Vuvale Outsourcing in the Media
Vuvale Outsourcing actively participates in Fiji's BPO Council, and is ongoingly developing relationships with Outsource Fiji, the Fiji-Australia Business Council, the Fiji Government and many others. Below are some instances of our corporate recognition.

Award for
Innovative Tech Culture
Outsource Fiji Hosted the "Women in Tech" Awards
On the 1st of December 2023
Vuvale Outsourcing won the
“Innovative Tech Culture” Award 2023
Presented by Deputy Prime Minister – Hon. Manoa Kamikamica
"A hearty congratulations to Vuvale Outsourcing (BDE Group) for
winning the prestigious Innovative Tech Culture Award!
Your commitment to fostering an environment of innovation and
technological advancement is truly commendable.
Their dedication to cultivating a culture that embraces innovation
has not only propelled the organisation forward but has set a
benchmark for the entire industry. This award is a testament
to their relentless pursuit of excellence and forward-thinking
approaches in the tech sphere.
Vuvale Outsourcing, your innovative spirit and commitment
to pushing boundaries in technology are truly inspiring.
Congratulations on this remarkable achievement, and we look
forward to witnessing your continued success"
- Outsource Fiji
Pictured left: (L-R)
Tajeshwari Devi (Acting Online Safety Commissioner)
Sarika Singh (Vuvale Director),
Shene Naidu (Vuvale Operations Manager),
Hon. Manoa Kamikamica (Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for External Trade Cooperatives and SMEs).
Interview with the Fiji Times
Vuvale's Co-founder, Miles Blok, and Group Operations Manager,
Robert Smedley, sat down with the Fiji Times at the Opening of Outsource Fiji's new office in Suva. Read the full article below.
Full Article:
Fiji has it all for BPO | Founder sings praises of our natural qualities - The Fiji Times
Pictured right: Vuvale Co-founder, Miles Blok with then
Minister for Commerce, Trade, Tourism & Transport Faiyaz Koya.

BDE Group
(Vuvale Outsourcing)
Opening in Fiji
Interview with Fiji Times
The Fiji Times took the time to interview Co-Founder, Miles Blok when BDE Group (subsequently Vuvale Outsourcing) started expanding in Fiji in early 2022.
Full Article:
Group to set up its centre and create employment - The Fiji Times
Pictured left: Vuvale Co-founder, Miles Blok with then
Fijian Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum CF.